Women's Health
Dr Blayney has a Diploma in Obstetrics and considerable experience in both Obstetrics and medical Gynaecology including family planning and parenting. He can offer a sympathetic and patient centered service with a view to resolving problems. He believes that the argument that only women can understand women's problems is about as logical as wanting a senile geriatrician, a psychotic psychiatrist or an infant paediatrician! From 2018 we haven't offered funded maternity services.
Services offered include:
- Pregnancy Testing -the Practice Nurse can do this while you wait (free to our patients). Best done on early morning urine collection as soon as you suspect (after first missed period). The earlier you start Folic Acid (preferably at the 5mg dose) the greater the protection against spina bifida (and other neural tube defects) and even harelip and cleft palate (if taken before conception).
- Maternity Care Unfortunately because of political and DHB undervaluing and under-funding of GP involvement in obstetrics, I have ceased offering Lead Maternity Carer services from 1/11/18. I had been the only GP Obstetrician offering intrapartum services in Taranaki for over a decade.
- Family Planning -including IUCD, Mirena and Diaphragm fitting, morning after pill, unplanned pregnancy and infertility. For funding reasons we do not fit Jadelle rods, but we do remove them.
- Primary gynaecology including STD checks
- "Well women" checks -smear (see below), pelvic and breast exam (if indicated), mammography referral (mammograms are free to all women aged 45-64) tend to blend into the Health Check") as below.
- Nurse Smears Unless complicated in some way, we now have our new Practice Nurse Katrina doing most smears. Free screening for certain groups is not available as funding excludes non-PHO practices. Self performed HPV Primary Screening is coming on stream but funding typically hasn't.
- Full Medical review/"checkup" (see "Health Check") -please note: this service cannot be performed in a 10-15 minute standard consultation but is arranged AFTER the Nurse Health Check (and blood tests).